February 11, 2021

Kroll: Immersive Labs Partners with Kroll to Deliver Remote Crisis Exercise to Thailand Banking

" Realistic simulation of current threats is the only way to test and improve response readiness and to ensure that the impact of a real attack is minimized. Immersive Labs’ innovative platform, combined with Kroll’s extensive experience, provides the closest thing to replication of a real incident – all within a safe virtual environment. "

Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Regional Managing Director, APAC Cyber Risk, Kroll
Regional Managing Director, APAC Cyber Risk, Kroll
kroll banking industrylong exposure image of man walking by blue panels

Organizational Background

ThaiCERT is the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) for Thailand, and the official point of contact for dealing with computer security incidents in the Thai Internet community. It collaborates with the Thai public and private sectors, academia, ISPs and other relevant entities to handle computer securityincidents in Thailand.


Kroll, in partnership with Immersive Labs, was asked to design and deliver an incident response tabletop exercise to the Thai Banking CERT (TB-CERT) and its 27 member banks. Tabletop exercises would normally be delivered face to face in a boardroom environment. However, in order to share the learning with hundreds of people within the sector – and also taking into account pandemic travel restrictions – TB-CERT required the exercise to be delivered remotely


TB-CERT delivered a successful event alongside Kroll’s security risk team by developing a crisis scenario that was delivered using Immersive Labs’Cyber Crisis Simulator. The process took less than one month from start to finish.

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What Our Customers
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Realistic simulation of current threats is the only way to test and improve response readiness, and to ensure that the impact of a real attack is minimized. Immersive’s innovative platform, combined with Kroll’s extensive experience, provides the closest thing to replication of a real incident — all within a safe virtual environment.

Paul Jackson
Regional Managing Director, APAC Cyber Risk, Kroll

The speed at which Immersive produces technical content is hugely impressive, and this turnaround has helped get our teams ahead of the curve, giving them hands-on experience with serious vulnerabilities, in a secure environment, as soon as they emerge.

TJ Campana
Head of Global Cybersecurity Operations, HSBC

We no longer worry about managing infrastructure, leaving us free to build great courses.

Daniel Duggan
Director, Zero-Point Security

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