Prove Hands-On Labs
Hands-On Labs in Real
Cloud Environments
Our CloudSec Labs allow users to interact with real-world technologies and tools through on-demand, enterprise-level environments accessible directly from their browser, with no downloads required.

Prove Your Task Completion
Automatic Detection
of Task Completion
Our CloudSec Labs automatically detect when a task or activity is successfully completed, eliminating the need for human intervention or explicit feedback. This not only enhances the user experience but also boosts the efficiency and accuracy of lab completion.

Prove Industry-Leading Content
Industry-Leading Content
Our CloudSec Labs equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and mitigate the unique security risks associated with cloud computing. The breadth and depth of our labs means that there really is something for all levels of professionals.

Prove Capability
Proof of Capability
Leverage data insights to measure and map the maturity of your organization’s Engineering, CloudSec, and DevSecOps teams over time. This helps teams showcase their strengths in various areas while pinpointing opportunities for improvement.