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Application Security

Securing Applications is more than secure coding

  • Mitigating application threats needs more than just check-box, multiple-choice training; it requires capabilities that span the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Technical and practical labs that cover all aspects of Application security, varying in difficulty and covering numerous languages and frameworks.
  • Perfect for Software developers, AppSec Experts, DevSecOps professionals and QA Testers
Application Security from Immersive Labs

Learn Through Doing

Interact with and fix code in real applications, while retaining and testing the functionality. Labs are provided in a sandbox environment, enabling safe practice and exploration

See the Attacker’s Point of View

Our labs mimic how attackers would typically exploit vulnerabilities, giving your teams an understanding of why secure coding practices are so critical across the SDLC.

Secure the Entire SDLC

Our labs focus on the entire lifecycle of an application, upskilling everyone from QA testers to engineers. We use real-world examples to contextualize the impact vulnerabilities can have.

Proof of Capability

Leverage data insights to measure and map the maturity of your organization’s Engineering, AppSec, and DevSecOps teams over time. With this, teams can prove their capability in numerous ways and identify weak points for improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which languages and frameworks does Application Security cover?2024-04-15T01:09:49+00:00

We have a comprehensive list of supported languages and frameworks, many of which are also available in varying degrees of difficulty. Even the best experts can learn a lot from our labs:

  • Python*
  • Java*
  • Java Spring
  • JavaScript Frontends:
    • Vue.js
    • Angular
    • React
  • Node.js*
  • TypeScript*
  • C#*
  • C++
  • Go
  • PHP
  • Ruby on Rails

*These languages also feature API specific series

What key areas are covered within Application Security?2023-09-28T14:58:38+00:00

We cover a huge range of topics within Application Security, all designed to help teams assess their capabilities, build their coverage and ultimately prove their cyber resilience:

  • OWASP Top 10*
  • CWE 25*
  • Secure Fundamentals
  • TLS Fundamentals
  • Secure Coding
  • Secure Testing
  • Secure Operations
  • Secure Engineering
  • Secure Headers
  • Introduction to Content
  • Security Policy (CSP)
  • API Security Collections
What will developers actually do in order to learn?2023-09-28T15:00:00+00:00
  • See first-hand how attackers exploit vulnerabilities and the impact they pose
  • Fix vulnerabilities in a way that retains the application’s functionality
  • Experiment by modifying code or configurations, observing the impact on exploit attempts, and impact on application functionality
How is this different from other cyber security developer training?2023-09-28T15:01:06+00:00

At Immersive Labs, we understand that the best way to learn is through doing. A good developer learns from their mistakes, but a great developer also learns from the mistakes of others. In order to learn, we provide teams with a wide range of common security errors in code and configurations to identify and fix. By offering hands-on AppSec experiences,
your teams’ knowledge, skills, and judgment on secure coding, secure operations and secure testing will improve. Here are some things you won’t do:

  • Complete endless multiple-choice questions which are tedious and ineffective learning methods
  • Be spoon-fed answers. Our content is created to develop and enhance your understanding and skills – challenging you is a part of that!
  • Ultimately, this creates a far more skilled, confident, and productive team, that can prove their competency and resilience
What are the benefits of this solution?2023-09-28T15:02:14+00:00
  • Developers are able to quickly identify and fix vulnerabilities, increasing productivity
  • Hire and upskill junior developers and DevSecOps professionals to reduce hiring costs
  • Save money by identifying vulnerabilities earlier in the SDLC
  • Address compliance mandates related to secure coding

Blog: Shift Left Done Right: Five Obstacles to Secure Coding – and How to Overcome Them

Recent research indicates a concerning rise in application security vulnerabilities, with 61% of apps having Critical or High risk issues not addressed by the OWASP Top 10. Given that attackers continually seek novel ways to exploit applications, even minor vulnerabilities can result in severe consequences such as data breaches, financial losses, and harm to brand reputation.To learn more about what you and your organization can do, click here.

Blog: Guide to Creating Secure Applications: Seven Steps for Building a Culture of Security and Resilience

As cyber threats persistently evolve, jeopardizing data integrity, financial stability, and brand reputation, the imperative to prioritize application security has transcended choice to become an absolute necessity. By proactively investing in the education and empowerment of development teams, fostering collaboration, and maintaining vigilance over the threat landscape, organizations can fortify their applications, improving resilience in an increasingly hostile environment. To learn more about creating secure applications, click here.