Application Security
January 18, 2023

Shift Left Done Right

Cyber Resilience Framework
Application Security with Immersive Labs

For decades, vulnerability management has topped the list of enterprise security priorities, leading organizations to invest heavily in tools and training. Despite this overwhelming spend, the problem keeps getting worse.This reality leads many organizations to embrace the concept of shifting left—or introducing security practices much earlier in their software development lifecycle (SDLC). Implementing this methodology, however, creates a new slew of challenges that can feel daunting to overcome.This white paper explores:

  • Five common ways shift left approaches go wrong and how to avoid them
  • Why a cyber workforce resilience strategy is vital to proactive, ongoing threat protection and reduction
  • Strategies for assessing and remediating application vulnerabilities in real time

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Realistic simulation of current threats is the only way to test and improve response readiness, and to ensure that the impact of a real attack is minimized. Immersive’s innovative platform, combined with Kroll’s extensive experience, provides the closest thing to replication of a real incident — all within a safe virtual environment.

Paul Jackson
Regional Managing Director, APAC Cyber Risk, Kroll

The speed at which Immersive produces technical content is hugely impressive, and this turnaround has helped get our teams ahead of the curve, giving them hands-on experience with serious vulnerabilities, in a secure environment, as soon as they emerge.

TJ Campana
Head of Global Cybersecurity Operations, HSBC

We no longer worry about managing infrastructure, leaving us free to build great courses.

Daniel Duggan
Director, Zero-Point Security

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