Beyond the Breach: Mastering organization-wide resilience

Date: Thursday, October 26, 2023
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm EDT | 4:00pm – 5:00pm BST


The cyber threat landscape is changing at break-neck speed. Building and proving resilience has never been more important or challenging, but how do you confront threats that are continuously evolving?

In this session, we will examine the importance of upskilling the entire organization, from store room to boardroom, and attracting the right talent. We’ll also discuss building CISOs’ confidence using real-world examples and contributions from customers.

Join us to discover how to forge a future-proof, cyber-resilient workforce that thrives in the face of new threats.


Dan Potter

Senior Director of Operational Resilience,
Immersive Labs

Jeff Wu

Sales Engineering Team Lead,
Immersive Labs