Cybersecurity is constantly evolving, and with each passing day, the stakes get higher.

Sophisticated cyber threats are on the rise, and organizations must equip themselves with the right tools and knowledge to protect their digital assets. Enter AI, or Artificial Intelligence, a game-changing technology that promises to reshape the way we approach cybersecurity.

In a recent webinar, Max Vetter, VP of Content, Dan Potter, Director of Organizational Resilience, and Kev Breen, Director of Threat Research, delved into the intricacies of AI in cybersecurity. Here are a few hot takes from the discussion.

The AI dilemma

One fundamental aspect of AI that we need to understand is that it’s not just a repository of predefined questions and answers. It’s a generative, probability-based machine. This means that when you ask it something, even if the probability of generating a certain response is extremely low (say, 1%), it will still provide an answer.

This is where the challenge begins. Misinterpretations or errors in AI-generated content can have significant consequences. For instance, consider a scenario where AI is asked a question about voting places during an election. If it misinterprets the question or provides incorrect information, it could lead to confusion or misinformation.

The code conundrum

AI’s capabilities extend beyond answering questions. It can also generate code, which is a double-edged sword. Unlike humans, AI doesn’t possess the concept of writing “good” or “functional” code. It doesn’t conduct code reviews or check for vulnerabilities. It simply generates code based on patterns it has learned.

As a result, the code generated by AI can vary widely in terms of quality and security. It’s important to remember that the AI is as good as the data it’s trained on. If the training data contains vulnerable or poorly written code, the AI may produce similar code.

Setting boundaries

So, how can organizations harness the power of AI in cybersecurity while mitigating its risks? The answer lies in setting boundaries and constraints. AI can be a valuable tool, but it needs clear instructions on how to operate safely and securely.

For example, if you want AI to write secure code, you should specify that it must follow best practices, escape all HTML, check for SQL injection vulnerabilities, and use parameterized functions. By providing these constraints, you can increase the likelihood of getting secure code from the AI.

The future of AI in cybersecurity

Looking ahead, AI’s role in cybersecurity is expected to grow. AI can help automate tasks like analyzing vast amounts of log data to identify malicious patterns. It can assist in incident response by rapidly sifting through data to pinpoint potential threats.

However, the human element remains crucial. AI can’t replace human judgment, creativity, and collaboration. In fact, AI should complement and augment human capabilities rather than replace them. Teams of experts, including cybersecurity professionals, legal experts, finance, HR, and more, must work together to respond effectively to cyber threats.

AI is a powerful tool with immense potential in cybersecurity. It can enhance efficiency, identify threats, and streamline processes. However, it’s not a silver bullet, and organizations must exercise caution and responsibility when implementing AI in their cybersecurity strategies.

As AI continues to advance, it’s essential to strike a balance between leveraging its capabilities and ensuring human oversight and accountability. The future of cybersecurity will be a collaborative effort between humans and machines, and together, we can stay one step ahead of cyber threats.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, AI is a formidable ally, but it’s up to us to wield its power wisely and securely.

Click here to listen to the webinar in its entirety.

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November 14, 2023


Immersive Labs